About Me

Currently I am a fourth year graduate student of School of Computer Science and Technology in Zhejiang University and a member of NCRC (Neuromorphic Computing and Robotic Cognition) Group.

I received my B.Eng. degree in College of Computer Science from Sichuan University in June 2020. In the same year, I was admitted to study for a PhD degree in Zhejiang University without entrance examination.

Research Interests

My research interests include Neuromorphic Computing and Machine Learning.

Recently, I am interested in:

  • Spiking Reinforcement Learning (SRL)
  • Temporal Credit Assignment (TCA)
  • Spiking Neurons



  • National Undergraduate Scholarship, 2017
  • National Undergraduate Scholarship, 2018
  • Silver Award, The 3rd China Collegiate Programming Contest (Hangzhou)
  • Silver Award, The 43rd ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (Jiaozuo)
  • Bronze Award, The 42nd ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (Shenyang)
  • Bronze Award, The 4th China Collegiate Programming Contest (Jilin)
  • Outstanding Postgraduate 2021-2022
  • Outstanding Postgraduate 2022-2023


Email: qinl@zju.edu.cn

Address: Lang Qin, Yuquan Campus, 38 Zheda Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou 310058, China
